LivingUpp is committed to helping you make multidimensional self-care part of your daily life.
Founded in 2015, we’ve developed all the tools you need to begin living healthier habits every day.
Using our proprietary 8 Dimensions of Self-Care framework and planning system, you’ll learn how to create daily self-care rituals that help you achieve and maintain good health.
Our mission at LivingUpp is simple: to Unite People with Possibilities for a healthier living. And there are endless possibilities.
Hey there, it’s Stacy!

I’m a registered dietitian, diabetes care and education specialist, and published author with more than 20 years of experience in health care. As the creator of the life-changing 8 Dimensions of Self-Care framework, I’m committed to helping you curate a collection of unique self-care strategies that keep you functioning at your best.
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