Do you choose a focus word each year?
Focus words have become popular manifestation tools, and that’s because this simple act of self-care can produce some pretty impressive results.
This article will show you how to choose a focus word for the year, so you can stay attuned to what matters most.
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What Is a Focus Word?
Focus words are focus words. Much like your values, focus words serve as your compass, helping you make important decisions about where and how you direct your time, energy, money, and other resources.
At their core, focus words are your intentions. They sum up how you want to feel and/or how you want to be.
Some people keep the same words from year to year, but focus words can also change as your interests and intentions change over time.
Why Focus Words Are Powerful Manifesting Tools
Focus words help you give attention to what matters most, and choosing a word each year can help you stay committed and accountable to your goals, even when life gets busy.
Focus words keep you grounded. They offer you direction when you feel directionless, and they help you remember your “why” when you get distracted by competing priorities.
While you can certainly change your word any time throughout the year, the most popular times to revisit your intentions is during your annual review or mid-year review.
Examples of Focus Words
Here are some examples of focus words to consider:
Abundance | Acceptance | Accuracy | Achievement | Adaptability | Adventure | Affection | Agility | Appreciation | Awareness | Balance | Beauty | Beauty | Belonging | Blissfulness | Boldness | Bravery | Calm | Charity | Cheerfulness | Clarity | Collaboration | Comfort | Communication | Community | Compassion | Confidence | Consciousness | Connection | Contribution | Cooperation | Courage | Courtesy | Creativity | Curiosity | Decisiveness | Delight | Dependability | Determination | Discretion | Diversity | Drive | Duty | Ease | Easy | Education | Efficiency | Elegance | Elegant | Empathy | Encouragement | Energy | Enjoyment | Enthusiasm | Equality | Excellence | Experience | Expressiveness | Fairness | Faith | Fame | Family | Flexibility | Flow | Forgiveness | Freedom | Friendship | Frugality | Fun | Generosity | Grace | Gratitude | Growth | Harmony | Health | Honesty | Honor | Hospitality | Humility | Humor | Imagination | Independence | Influence | Innovation | Inspiration | Integrity | Intelligence | Intimacy | Intuitiveness | Joy | Justice | Kindness | Knowledge | Leadership | Learning | Logic | Love | Loyalty | Luxury | Mastery | Mindfulness | Modesty | Nature | Openness | Optimism | Order | Organization | Passion | Patience | Peace | Perseverance | Persistence | Pleasure | Positivity | Power | Precision |Preparedness | Preservation | Privacy | Proactivity | Prosperity | Punctuality | Quality | Relationships | Religion | Resourcefulness | Resilience | Resilient | Respect | Responsibility | Safety | Security | Service | Simplicity | Space | Spirituality | Spontaneity | Strength | Success | Sustainability | Tradition | Trust | Truth | Unity | Wealth | Wisdom
How to Select a Focus Word
There are no rules when it comes to how you select your word(s). You might choose a single word, a handful of words, or a mantra. The easiest way to choose your word is to go with your gut.
Sometimes your word will come easily, almost as if it’s choosing you. But sometimes it’s trickier, especially if you’re in the middle of a big life transition or period of spiritual growth.
Here are a few simple tips to consider when selecting your theme word(s):
1. Brainstorm
Start with the list above and circle any words that jump out at you. Allow your intuition to guide you. You can also add any other words that come to mind.
2. Look Up Synonyms
Once you’ve identified a few possible words, use a thesaurus to search for similar words. ( is fantastic!) Again, allow your intuition to serve as your guide and add any words to your list that you feel a connection to.
3. Consider Your Unique Needs
Reflect on your life right now. What do you want? What do you need? What do you crave? What do you wish was true for you? Narrow down your list by reviewing your words and asking yourself this question: Is this what I need the most right now?
4. Choose Your Top 3
Now narrow your options even further by scanning your list and selecting the top 3 words that you feel most connected to. If you can’t narrow it down, sit with your options for a few days and keep whittling the list until you have no more than 5.
5. Keep Narrowing
Keep narrowing down your list until you zero in on the one word that feels most significant to you. Make your final word selection and write it down where you’ll see it daily. You can always change, tweak, or adjust your focus word at any time. P.S. The Lifestyle Design Planner has a designated space for your them word.
How to Use Your Focus Word
After you’ve chosen your word, you’ll want to get the most out of it. There are many ways you can use your focus word, but here are just a couple:
1. Incorporate your focus word into your morning self-care ritual
Each morning during your morning self-care practice, review your vision board, core values, goals, and theme word. This helps you align your energy with your intentions for the day ahead.
2. Use your focus word as a decision-making tool
Whenever you face a decision—whether it’s big or small—return to your word and ask yourself if the opportunity aligns with your word. For example, if your word is “calm,” each time you are presented with an opportunity, ask yourself this question: “Will this choice or experience make me feel calm?”
Of course, you’ll need to consider both the short-term and long-term benefits of all opportunities. Some decisions may feel uncomfortable or difficult at first, but the payoff may be worth the effort. But if your focus word feels way out of alignment with the decision you’re weighing, it might be an indication that the opportunity is not right for you.
Final Thoughts
Focus words are helpful tools that can keep you stay zeroed in on what’s most important. These powerful words are especially useful if you’re easily distracted or have difficulty staying committed to your goals and intentions.
What’s your focus word for the year?
Information on this website should not be interpreted as providing or replacing medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. All content is intended for adults over the age of 18. LivingUpp is a participant in affiliate programs, which means we may earn a small commission from qualifying purchases on links to Amazon and other sites at no additional cost to you.